What is a BEEAIR® unit and what does it offer? 

The BEEAIR® unit is a 1m wide x 2m high x 80mm deep living flowering plant wall unit that can sustain and grow two removable, replaceable panels of flowering evergreen plants within it. The units are all UK manufactured from a single sheet of Plastisol coated steel which is available in a range of colours and is made to last for up to 25 years. Each unit has its own built in micro chip controlled air, feed and lighting system and requires some, but very little, maintenance.    

Each of our BEEAIR® wall units has the ability to improve air quality as well as create a visually appealing flowering wall that works to attract pollinating insects such as bees. Like all living plants this evergreen mix produces clean fresh oxygen.

  • Naturally filtering air pollution
  • Removing and storing CO2
  • Reduces noise pollution
  • Attracts pollinating insects
  • Reduces dust levels
  • Visually attractive
  • Producing Fresh Oxygen
  • Creates pleasant fragrance
  • Reduces stress levels



BEEAIR® units are aptly named, being a 1m x 2m panel of evergreen flowering plants, they do a great job of attracting pollinating insects such as bees. We have pollinators to thank for every third mouthful of food we eat, not only do they pollinate our food crops, but they are also vital to the survival of other wild plants that support so much of our wildlife. Most of us tend to think of just bees in relation to pollination, yet insect pollinators are an incredibly diverse group. Honeybees are likely responsible for pollinating between 5-15% of the UK's insect pollinated crops. That leaves 85-95% of the UK's insect pollinated crops relying on wild pollinators. Many species of bee, moth, butterfly, hoverfly, fly and beetle provide this essential service in the UK and globally free of charge.


Three bumblebee species have become extinct in recent decades. The recent European Red List for bees reports that almost one in ten species of wild bee face extinction, and over the past 50 years, half the bee, butterfly and moth species studied in the 2013 'State of Nature Report' have declined, we can directly link these declines to changes in the way we farm. The intensification of agriculture has led to the destruction of habitat and insect pollinators are also effected by the heavy use of pesticides and herbicides. Further habitat loss is driven by urbanisation, but by adding BEEAIR® units to urban areas we can change this and develop urban areas into pollinator sanctuaries.


In city centres we simply do not have the space for field full of flowers, unfortunately, in urban areas, we are limited to parks and the odd basket display when it comes to flowering plants. Due to the size and modular design of BEEAIR® units - we can now add beautiful flowering evergreens to every city street. They are visually attractive to and certainly good for mental wellbeing. And, whilst providing sanctuary for pollinating insects, they help filter pollution and improve air quality and humidity levels.


Research shows that keeping living flowers around greatly reduces a person’s stress levels. Natural aesthetic beauty is soothing to people, and keeping flowers around your environment is an excellent way to lower levels of stress and anxiety. People who keep flowers around them feel happier, less stressed, and more relaxed. Overall, adding flowers to your environment reduces your perceived stress levels and makes you feel more relaxed, secure, and happy. Research also shows that being around flowers improves peoples concentration and memory, leads to Reduced Community Crime, improves mood and contributes to overall healthiness, improves relationships with others and also increases energy levels and feelings of vitality.

Add some BEEAIR® evergreen flowering plant units to your local habitat and develop a pollinator friendly, cool air environment that not only improves the surrounding air quality but improves the general mental wellbeing of you and all others around you. 

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